We offer engineering for sustainable metallurgy (focus electric furnaces), consulting and execution for R+D-projects and support energetic optimizations. Furthermore our portfolio offers recycling, measurement technology and logistics.

Submergerd Arc Furnaces (SAF), Electric Furnaces, Melting Furnaces
Our focus is conception and dimensioning of submerged arc furnaces and electric melting furnaces, also in combination with gas burners (CH4 or H2). We support you whether you plan a new plant, reconstruction or evaluation (e.g. an expert report) or you want to change products or processes in an existing plant. We also project modernization or assist you to optimize cooling concepts. Usually we deliver engineering and convey proven suppliers or general contractors. These may also be your well-known partners. We offer limited reconstructions as a whole package.
R+D phases diagram research funding
Support and organization of R+D-campaigns
We accompany your research projects whether it is metallurgy, energy or environmental. From consulting to selection and application of national or european funding, from project- and innovationmanagement and pilottests to industrial realization and marketing, we offer you a trustful cooperation in different kinds of levels. Innovation needs poineers - we bond them.
Energy Management Mix Power
We support you to use energy in a flexible and economic way. Bluemetals helps searching new possibilities and technologies and realize them individually.
Not all processes require a contionous energy supply. That`s where we start our ealuation often. This opens space for using the advantages of changing energy prices and different energy sources for direct or indirect usage.
© Figure: Created using symbols on PIXABAY (1)
Large projects
are often prepared by smaller studies. Whether feasibility studies, basics for
financing studies or reconstruction studies, we support your planning.
This also applies to plant optimizations such as energy recovery.
Innovative integrated measurement technology
Whether continous temperature measurement or IR-systems, whether fibre optic measurement technology or laser based analytic or measurement technolgy, in cooperation with our partners we offer you tailor-fit solutions to catch the most important data at the most important locations promptly. We also develop such systems in cooperation with you.
Measurement technology laser
Hydrogen as fuel and reducing agent
Hydrogen is becoming more and more important as an energy source and reducing agent. When hydrogen is generated by renewable primary energy, it offers great opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions. We support you in balancing, process adjustment, testing, selection of specific components and necessary conversions.
Hydrogen CO2 reduction burning energy
Small pyrometallurgical laboratory- or pilotplants are no standardproducts. They must fit to the foreseen processes and individual conditions. At the same time they have to be flexibel, economic and easy to handle. We design and deliver such plants and use reasonable proven standard components whereever possible, to simplify and accelerate the manufacturing and to consider the almost limited budgets for R+D or testing.
Pilotplant testplant campaign research
Metallurgical recycling contains slag treatment which often means slag cleaning, dust reduction, re-use of dust, recovery of valuable or toxic and all processes of circular economy. Recycling can be part of an existing production or a new process line. We offer innovative technology for a large range of metallurgical recycling.
© Figure: Symbol of Alias Schäfer on PIXABAY (2)
Environmental technology
issues often include several areas of expertise. We advise holistically, bring
together necessary specialists if necessary and explain, question and evaluate
technological approaches, whether in the field of industrial air pollution
control, building technology or water management. This is done taking into
account the current regulations and, if necessary, the possible funding
Umwelttechnik Wasser und Luft
Even logistics wants to be well-planned. Logistic systems belong to an economic workflow and therefore to our portfilio. Whether material flow, goods transport, in-house traffic or connections between locations: We support you planning optimal logistic operations and traffic flows.
© Photo: Stefan Bree (with permission of Stefan Bree) (3)
©Stefan Bree ore by train
Measurements on plants
Bluemetals offers service measurements on plants, especially submerged arc furnaces / electric furnaces. Continuous temperature measurements of metal and slag tapping with modern infrared measuring technology, punctual measurements with the pyrometer, the evaluation of thermal and electrical data and production rates: The bandwidth is wide and in many cases such measurements are the basis for the redesign, conversion, reconstruction, increasing in efficiency or optimization of plants. Just ask us!
IR camera temperature measurement
Surveying, special views and videos
Together with a partner company from the German Rhineland, we also offer 3D laser scans and aerial photographs as well as plant flights with industrial drones, including video production on request. Here, the experience in metallurgical plant engineering complements each other with professional video and scanning expertise.
© Photo: Pexel on PIXABAY
Drone and impressions of steel plants